
大金門島の金門空港(尚義機場)へは台中空港からUNI AIR(立栄航空)を利用することに。台中空港のドメスティックターミナルは発着便数が多い割には搭乗待合室が1つ、バスゲートが2つしかない。エアラインの空港スタッフがそこで終日続く出発便の搭乗業務を淡々と続けている様子は、効率優先のルーティンワーク。旅客も平静そのもので、まるで日常に溶け込むバスターミナルのような光景だ。台湾では飛行機移動が広く一般的であることが分かる。


UNI AIRのATR72-600型機は70人乗り。日本のエアラインのように機体の内外が隅々まで清掃されていることが印象的だ。早朝便にもかかわらずほぼ満席で、大半が台湾と中国本土からの旅行者だと思われる。55分のフライトはまるで日本の国内線のようで、事務的にソフトドリンクのサービスが乗客全員にさっと行き渡ると、もう金門空港に到着だ。



そんな金門島の姿が変わったきっかけが、1992年の戒厳令の解除(台湾本島は1987年)と2001年の「小三通」政策の実施だ。「小三通」(英語では「Mini Three Links」)とは、この島を拠点に、大陸と台湾の間でそれまで禁じられていた「通商」「交通」「通信」の3分野を開放する政策。当初は台湾と中国本土に籍を持つ人のみが対象だったが、現在までにほぼすべての人がその恩恵を受けられるようになった。共産中国と自由台湾の対立の最前線で戦略的軍事拠点だった島が、いきなり人とモノと情報の往来の主要拠点となったわけだ。そう言いえば、金門空港への到着直前、機窓から見えた海岸線には砲台やトーチカの跡と思われる施設が数多く残っていた。それらは10数年前まで、たった10キロ先の「敵」に向けた現役の軍事施設だったのだ。




金門島では「風獅爺」(英語では「Wind Lion」)をよく見かける。海風が強い金門島で風を鎮め邪気を払ってくれるとされている、いわば島の守護神。村の入口や、家や店舗の前にさりげなく立っていて、さまざまな表情で独特の存在感を放っている。沖縄のシーサーに似た風貌だが、多くが直立しており、バリエーションが広いだけでなくそれぞれ思い思いに色が塗られていたり衣類を着せられていたりするスタイルが特徴的だ。空港からの道のりでも数多く見かけるが、土地の空気感そのものなのだろうか。だんだんと自分の旅が、風獅爺に見守られているような気分になるから不思議だ。


このバスターミナルの上階に「金城民防坑道展示館」がある。大陸との軍事対立が続いた時代に造られた地下トンネル網(英語では「Defense Tunnels」)の博物館で、入り口と内部は当然のように「迷彩柄」のデコレーションで統一されている。金城の街の地下に、主要な施設と都市機能を結ぶように掘られた全長数キロの坑道で、小中学校の校舎などとも直接つながっていることから、有事には市民が逃げこむ防空トンネルであったことが分かる。ふむふむと写真やパネルでその歴史を追っていると、スタッフが「無料のトンネルツアーに参加しないか」と声をかけてくる。実際に歩けるのか、と台湾・中国本土からの観光客らと共に参加してみる。トンネルは幅が1メートル強、高さは175センチ程度と狭い。ごく最近修復がなされたと思われる箇所も多いが、それが本来の目的のための施設整備だったのか、観光用の演出の工事だったのかは分からない。土のうや食料備蓄のための側室も数多くある。概ね暗く、湿度が高く、はっきり言って気味が悪い。この空間で数千人の市民が数万発の砲弾の攻撃から逃れ命をつないだのか、と想像すると、そのあまりのリアルさに、閉所恐怖症でなくても不快な気分になる。






Journey to Kinmen Island, Taiwan

Less than 10 kilometers from mainland China’s Xiamen (Amoy), Kinmen Island stands as “another China,” a strategic outpost at the mainland’s doorstep.

My journey to Greater Kinmen Island began with a UNI AIR flight from Taichung Airport. Despite handling numerous flights, Taichung’s domestic terminal is surprisingly modest, with just one boarding lounge and two bus gates. Airline staff efficiently process departures with clockwork precision, while passengers move about with casual familiarity – a testament to how commonplace air travel has become in Taiwan.

For years, Taiwan’s airports were considered military installations where photography was strictly prohibited. Today, however, the terminal’s glass walls offer unrestricted views of parked aircraft and the apron. Security guards, coffee cups in hand, even cheerfully encourage photography on “such a perfect day for taking pictures.”

The UNI AIR ATR72-600, a 70-seater, impresses with its immaculate maintenance, reminiscent of Japanese airlines’ standards. The early morning flight is nearly full, mostly with travelers from Taiwan and mainland China. The 55-minute journey feels like a typical domestic hop, with efficient beverage service completed just before touchdown at Kinmen Airport.

Kinmen Airport faces the sea, its apron dotted with small aircraft from FAT (Far Eastern Air) and Mandarin Airlines serving domestic routes. The South China Sea stretches peacefully behind. Without jet bridges, passengers walk to the single-story terminal – a modern glass structure housing convenience stores, car rental counters, and souvenir shops. The prominent “Mini Three Links” counter and military offices hint at the island’s unique position, while uniformed Taiwan military personnel mingle with tourists and students.

Kinmen’s strategic location has long made it a crucial transit point and frontline between mainland China and Taiwan. During the Ming-Qing transition in the 17th century, Zheng Chenggong used it as a base to establish a Ming loyalist stronghold in Taiwan. The island became a battleground during the Chinese Civil War (1937-1945) between mainland China (now People’s Republic of China) and Taiwan (Republic of China). In 1958, communist forces launched the “Kinmen Artillery Battle,” firing 57,000 shells in a bid to capture the island, literally reshaping its landscape. Remarkably, the shell fragments were later repurposed into the island’s famous kitchen knives – a powerful symbol of transformation.

Kinmen’s character changed dramatically with the lifting of martial law in 1992 (five years after Taiwan proper) and the implementation of the “Mini Three Links” policy in 2001. This policy opened up trade, transportation, and communication between the island and mainland China. Initially limited to residents of Taiwan and mainland China, these links now benefit virtually everyone. The former military flashpoint has become a vital hub for human, commercial, and information exchange. Yet reminders of the past remain – approaching the airport, I spotted former gun emplacements and pillboxes along the coast, installations that until recently targeted the “enemy” just 10 kilometers away.

Stepping out of the terminal, you’re embraced by subtropical air. A camouflage-painted water tower and a massive Wind Lion God statue crown a nearby hill – two symbols that epitomize the island. Greater Kinmen Island, slightly smaller than Japan’s Shodoshima or Miyakojima, has its airport centrally located. Five kilometers west lies the island’s only urban area, Jincheng, beyond which the Shuitou Pier serves ferries to Little Kinmen and Xiamen. With temperatures around 20°C, it feels like early spring. Believing that walking is the best way to know a place, I opt to cover the 5-kilometer stretch to Jincheng on foot, though a 20-minute bus ride costs just NT$12 (about 40 yen).

The airport area bustles with renovation and expansion work. A decade after the Mini Three Links’ implementation, tourism has surged, and the island has become a popular transit point between Taiwan and mainland China. An airport information desk staff member notes the dramatic increase in mainland visitors. Many tour groups arrive by ferry from Xiamen, explore the island, then fly to Taiwan proper. The island preserves traditional culture lost in mainland China’s coastal metropolises, making it popular among those seeking to experience both traditional China and modern Taiwan. Conversely, Taiwan residents increasingly visit Kinmen before crossing to Xiamen for mainland tours, attracted by simpler border procedures than at Taipei or Taichung airports. My fellow passengers from Taichung, I realize, were these new-age travelers, enjoying what was once forbidden.

While tourist buses speed along the two-lane highway from the airport, stepping off the main road reveals small villages nestled in low forests, connected by quiet country lanes. At the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Forest, a nature park, the visitor center is surrounded by an impressive display of Taiwan military hardware – vintage fighter jets and tanks creating an unexpected juxtaposition of nature and military might. Japanese anti-aircraft guns stand as reminders of East Asian history. The military theme continues throughout the island: bazooka barrels repurposed as fencing, massive soldier statues at intersections, and camouflage-patterned shop facades. The island feels like a “military theme park,” though one born of genuine historical significance.

Wind Lions (Wind Lion Gods) are ubiquitous on Kinmen. These guardian deities, believed to calm strong sea winds and ward off evil, stand sentinel at village entrances and before homes and shops. While reminiscent of Okinawan shisa, they typically stand upright and showcase greater variety, often painted in bright colors or dressed in clothing. Their presence along the airport road seems to embody the island’s spirit, and I find myself feeling protected by these unique guardians during my journey.

Jincheng, population several thousand, serves as Kinmen County’s administrative and economic center. Its traditional shopping streets, lined with independent stores rather than large commercial facilities, buzz with a mix of locals and tourists. The central bus terminal connects to all parts of the island, with buses charging mere pennies – a recommended way to explore.

Above the bus terminal lies the Jincheng Civil Defense Tunnel Exhibition Hall. These underground tunnels, built during the military standoff with mainland China, feature camouflage-decorated entrances and interiors. The network, spanning several kilometers beneath Jincheng, connected key facilities including schools, serving as civilian air raid shelters. While examining the historical displays, I’m invited to join a free tunnel tour. Alongside tourists from Taiwan and mainland China, I explore the narrow passages – barely a meter wide and 175 centimeters high. Recent renovations blur the line between historical preservation and tourist adaptation. The numerous storage rooms for sandbags and provisions, the darkness, and high humidity create an unsettling atmosphere. Imagining thousands of civilians sheltering here from tens of thousands of shells is sobering, even for those without claustrophobia.

Emerging into daylight brings relief. A mainland Chinese tour group, examining the robust tunnels, jokes, “Now we understand why communist forces couldn’t take Kinmen.”

At Shuitou Pier, ferries frequently connect Greater Kinmen with Xiamen and Little Kinmen. This bustling terminal, non-existent a decade ago, exemplifies the Mini Three Links’ impact. The once-imposing barrier has vanished – it’s now less than an hour to mainland China, a reminder of how political changes shape travel possibilities. The terminal teems with tourists, traders with large cardboard boxes, and camouflage-clad soldiers headed to military installations on Little Kinmen.

For my return journey, I flew FAT (Far Eastern Air) to Taipei’s Songshan Airport. Though primarily an international carrier, FAT operates this as a major domestic route. The airport procedures and hour-long flight feel reassuringly routine, like Japanese domestic services. Taiwan’s domestic flights, including online booking, are perfectly accessible to Japanese travelers. An interesting moment occurs when an older flight attendant warns against photography (though I wasn’t taking pictures), citing a blanket ban by Taiwanese airlines. This seems questionable, but given the historical military nature of airports here, not entirely surprising. A younger crew member later contradicts this, saying photography is permitted – perhaps reflecting the ongoing evolution of media policies following the Mini Three Links’ implementation.

Kinmen saw little direct impact during Japan’s colonial rule of Taiwan, and Japanese tourists remain rare today. Yet hotels typically include Japanese alongside English in their signage – typical Taiwanese thoughtfulness. While conventional tourist attractions may be limited, the island offers Japanese visitors a unique combination: the familiar comfort of Taiwan’s Japan-friendly atmosphere and cuisine, alongside insights into China-Taiwan relations and East Asia’s possible futures. It’s worth considering Kinmen as part of a broader itinerary combining Taiwan and mainland China.

Before departing Kinmen Airport, I browse the souvenir shop’s display of high-quality kitchen knives made from artillery shell fragments – weapons once aimed at the island’s inhabitants transformed into practical tools. As I contemplate these gleaming blades, I realize that the military-themed objects and sites scattered across the island aren’t mere historical artifacts or tourist attractions; many remain active military installations. While tourists might see Kinmen as a “military theme park,” it’s still very much an active military zone. This reality was driven home by a conversation with a woman in her thirties in Jincheng: “The increased interaction with mainland China is good for the island, but it’s just a result of policy changes. If policies change again, so will the situation.” Her words carried particular weight because she delivered them without a trace of a smile.